President: Kate Garwood
Vice-President: Tonya Wyles
Secretary: JoAnne Allen
Treasurer: Joe Jordan
Board Members: Merrell Bergin, Maisie Ramsay
Advisory Board: Jan Wondra
Selected Bios
Merrell Bergin – Director

Merrell Bergin is a past president and currently a director of the nonprofit Truth Has A Voice Foundation which operates the digital media platform Ark Valley Voice (AVV) and produces community outreach civic events. He is AVV’s volunteer copy editor, an occasional writer/photographer and operates their constituent relationship management software.
Merrell was a Founding Director and Treasurer for the Chaffee County Community Foundation and an elected Salida City Treasurer. He’s lived in Colorado for 54 years, including the last 20 in downtown Salida. A retired “road warrior”, Merrell implemented software for major hospital systems as a consultant, technical writer, and trainer.
JoAnne J. Allen, DDS – Secretary

A life of service from dentistry in the Public Health Service on the Navajo Reservation to a seat on the Chaffee County Planning Commission has defined Dr. Allen.
A New Mexico native and recent resident in Chaffee County, once again she once again immersed herself in service. Her interests are public health and housing, serving on Chaffee County Public Health’s Senior Health and Housing Task Force.
She led the women’s division of a Nichiren Buddhist community in Chaffee County expanding membership of the community and aiding and encouraging members in faith.
Her appointment to the Chaffee County Planning Commission has allowed her to bring a humanistic perspective to the Chaffee County Comprehensive Plan. The ongoing refinement of the plan will provide a basis for the updating of the Land Use Code.
She views her seat on the Truth Has a Voice Foundation board as an opportunity to expand respectful dialogue in our community through responsible investigative journalism. Dr. Allen is grateful to be able to contribute to the work of the Foundation.
Tonya Wyles – Director

Tonya Wyles comes to Truth Has A Voice Foundation with five years’ experience in telecommunications and over five years of startup experience. Now with Calix, she helps broadband service providers accelerate their ability to grow their businesses.
Formerly, Wyles was Vice President of Field Operations at Colorado Central Telecom and spent the last three years expanding their fiber footprint in their mostly fixed wireless area. During her tenure there she served on the Board of Directors for four years, and also served on the Board of the Buena Vista Chamber of Commerce for three years.
She brings with her extensive experience managing personnel and processes, strategic planning and logistics, and building training programs. She’s well versed in the art of communication, in tune with business, encouraging of others and, to top it off, can memorize and quote movie lines!
Advisory Board
Jan Wondra – Advisory (Non-Voting) Board Member

Jan began her career as a writer and business executive upon completing a degree in journalism at the University of Wisconsin, after which she held several positions, including columnist and staff writer for Minneapolis and St. Paul Skyway News and contract writer for the Milwaukee Journal. She moved into global advertising and marketing with Campbell Mithun Advertising before moving to Denver to become vice president of Sales Promotion for May D&F. Her accounts have included 3M, General Mills, Jolly Rancher and USWest.